Host Key Verification Failed.
Re: Host key verification failed - heeeeeelp The Host key is used to verify that the server is who it says it is. When the hostkey on the local and remote computers dont match password authentication is disabled. Host key verification failed. The ssh client was unable to authenticate using hostbased authentication because it could not verify the host key. System action. The program ends. System programmer response. Verify that the SSH setup is correct. Follow local procedures for reporting problems to IBM.
Host Key Verification Failed. Bitbucket Pipeline
Hi O'Donnell,!On Wed, 14 Apr 2010, O'Donnell, Robert L wrote: Giorgio, Yes. Ssh (remotemachineip) -l nagios?I /etc/nagios/.ssh/iddsa logs me in with prompt?nagios@(remotemachinename):? And whoami returns nagios.I see that you're logging in by IP, but in the config snippet youincluded previously there was no IP defined in the host definition, so$HOSTADDRESS$ will expand to the same value as hostname.
Host Key Verification Failed. Ssh
You'll needto log in using the same exact address (in this case, name) Nagios willbe using to create an entry in your knownhosts file that matches whatNagios will be using.