Ajax Control Toolkit Modal Error
» Working with ModalPopup Ajax ControlNot Logged In.AspAlliance.comWebAspAllianceSubscribe.NET TutorialsASP TutorialsSoftware ResourcesOther ResourcesFree ToolsReviewsBooksCommunityWorking with ModalPopup Ajax Controlpage 1 of 5Published: 14 Dec 2007AbstractIn this article the author shows how to display a simple popup window to the user with the ModalPopup Extender available in the ASP.NET Ajax Toolkit. After giving a few example cases of when to use the ModalPopup, the author walks through how to use this AJAX Extender control using source code snippets and a source download.byAverage Rating:Views (Total / Last 10 Days): 123004/136. This article explains using the ModalPopup Extenderavailable in the ASP.NET Ajax Toolkit. ModalPopup Extender comes in handy whenyou want to display information on the page modally. I have used it in a coupleof sites to display:1. Tip of the day information2. Login dialog box (display the login box modally and preventthe user from accessing the links before he signs in to the system)3.
Ajax Control Toolkit Modal Error Code
At the moment I'm building a CMS with ASP.NET, ASP.NET Ajax and the ASP.NET Ajax Toolkit. One of the great features that the AJAX Toolkit provides us is the possibility of adding modal popups. I'm using them for gridviews that contains a lot of columns, and cannot be displayed in the page without the horizontal. The ModalPopup control in the AJAX Control Toolkit offers a simple way to create a modal popup using client-side means. However some scenarios require that the opening of the modal popup is triggered on the server-side. First of all, an ASP.NET Button web control is required to demonstrate how the ModalPopup control works.
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Displaying Master-Child infoIn this article I will explain how to display master-childinformation (Country - Cities) using ModalPopup Extender. The countries listwill be displayed in a grid, and selecting a country row in the grid will opena modalpopup with all the cities available with the country. This example is takento explain the concept, but in real-time you will be doing something usefullike displaying all the employees in a GridView, and clicking on an employeerow will display the employee information like Contact Details, Salary Details,etc.All the necessary files, database, stylesheet and imagesused in this article are available for download from the link provided at theend of the article.Note: The solution provided with this application isdeveloped usingA working example of this functionality can be seen at. Click on the propertyimages in the first page and you will see the detailed information about theselected property in a ModalPopup dialog. Ignore any errors if found, as thesite is still under development.
Ajax Control Toolkit Modal Error Download
Hi,Removing the duplicate messages will be little tricky. Currently the modal popup don't have a fixed height being set so it's keep on growing. You can avoid that by specifying a fixed height or max-height to the errorsPanel in master page along with overflow attributes as below,ThanksVijaya Anand.