Inputs Not Reading On Click Plc
Reading an integer from user input. Ask Question 60. To your question: You will not find a solution to read an integer because ReadLine reads the whole command line, threfor returns a string. What you can do is, try to convert this input into and int16/32/64 variable.
I have been programming PLC's for 10 years,and was ask to program a 'SINGLE' toggle input 'momentary input' to control an 'SINGLE' output(no big deal so far)except for the same 'SINGLE'toggle input 'momentary input' is to turn on and off the same 'SINGLE' output,hence 'can not use counters'. Control Description(1), press the 'SINGLE' toggle 'momentary input' and instantly the 'SINGLE' output is true or press the 'SINGLE' toggle and the 'SINGLE' toggle remains press for as long as desired and the 'SINGLE' output is instantly true and remains true after the release of the'SINGLE' toggle.Control Description(2),Knowing the 'SINGLE' output is now true after reading (control desciption 1)the same 'SINGLE' toggle 'momentary input' is to turn off the same 'SINGLE'output. The pressing action of the 'SINGLE' toggle desrcibed in (contol description 1) applies in (control description2).Please forward and/or post your advice. RE: toggle'momentary input' to switch output on/off (Industrial) 28 Nov 07 15:28. If I understand you correctly, it would seem that using Latch or Set relays would provide a solution. When the input goes true, use a one-shot to make a Latch relay go true.
When the input goes false with the first latch relay on, Set a second latch relay on. With either latch relay on, turn on the output.
Now, using another one-shot, program the unlatch relays (for both latched relays) to turn on when the input goes true. Input goes true, output cuts on. Input goes false, output stays on. Input goes true again, unlatch relays unlatch and output turns off. Input goes false again, output is off.
The latch relays prevent relay chatter while the switch is on. I am not sure which PLC you may be using but if I managed to mangle that explanation, repost or email me.
RE: toggle'momentary input' to switch output on/off (Industrial) 28 Nov 07 15:32. I left out the part in CAPS on my first post. If I understand you correctly, it would seem that using Latch or Set relays would provide a solution. When the input goes true, use a one-shot to make a Latch relay go true.
When the input goes false with the first latch relay on, Set a second latch relay on. With either latch relay on, turn on the output. Now, using another one-shot, program the unlatch relays (for both latched relays) to turn on when the input goes true AND BOTH LATCH RELAYS ARE ON. Input goes true, output cuts on.
Input goes false, output stays on. Input goes true again, unlatch relays unlatch and output turns off. Input goes false again, output is off. The latch relays prevent relay chatter while the switch is on. I am not sure which PLC you may be using but if I managed to mangle that explanation, repost or email me.
RE: toggle'momentary input' to switch output on/off (Electrical) 28 Nov 07 15:56.
I am not just a bit rusty, but majorly rusty.I am using an AB 1756-L55 ControlLogix 5555 Controller.It has a remote 1794AENT/A Adapter.I have an Analog Input Module - 1794/IE8I have an Analog Output Module - 1794/OE4My Analog Input Module is configured for (0-10V) / (0-20mA)My Analog Output Module is configured for 4-20mAFor Inputs: I have been told that a 4mA signal will produce a value of 6242 (I figure it is exactly 6241.6). And a 20mA signal will produce a value of 31208.For Outputs: 0mA = 0 value, and 20mA - 30840.1. Can someone confirm this?2.
Where did they find this? In the manual for the analog cards, the PLC?3. I forced an output to 15420 and noticed that the output was not 12mA. Should it have been?4. For a PID Loop, in RSLogix v11.15, I am setting up a PID loop and am looking at the scaling tab. I have a Pressure Transmitter that is ranged from 0-300psi.
Inputs Not Reading On Click Plc For Kids
I have a Control Valve that opens from 0 to 100%.Should my Values be:Process Variable:Unscaled Max = 31208Unscaled Min = 6241.6Engineering Unit Max = 300Engineering Unit Min = 0Control Variable:Max at 100% = 30840Min at 0% = 0I am sure this is such basic stuff, I am just trying to gain a better understandning.RE: Understanding 4-20mA inputs and raw values (Electrical) 5 Dec 05 16:01. First of all the AB analog modules have the capibility of using engineering units when reading or writing.The caveat is that you must configure all channels, a small price to pay for the conveinence, I would highly recommend it. Now your program will just use Engineering units and you will find it much easier to understand.One count will be equal to Engineering Units/Resolution. For example lets assume we have a 0 to 10V signal, which represents 0 to 1000 psi, and assuming a 12 bit resolution 1 count = 1000/4095 or.244psi.4-20MA signals are a little different since the signal never goes to zero, and I have not done this in 20+ years. But maybe this will help.RE: Understanding 4-20mA inputs and raw values (Electrical) 6 Dec 05 14:44. You config you AI as 0-20mA,'My Analog Input Module is configured for (0-10V) / (0-20mA)'while you were using 4mA as min value of the range,'For Inputs: I have been told that a 4mA signal will produce a value of 6242 (I figure it is exactly 6241.6).
And a 20mA signal will produce a value of 31208.' Similarly, in your AO you config 4-20, but you used 0-20mA'My Analog Output Module is configured for 4-20mA-For Outputs: 0mA = 0 value, and 20mA - 30840.' RE: Understanding 4-20mA inputs and raw values (Electrical) 3 Jan 06 21:40.
Inputs Not Reading On Click Plc Tv
I guess I just don't understand where the 30840 comes from. If 20 mA is full scale it should be 4095 assuming 12 bit, which is 4095 or 32767.NWBeaver states that the values are 12-bit and shifted left, I would assume 4-bits in witch case 40950 would be the maximum count.4mA is 25% of full scale for a count of 1024, 10240 shifted to the left. I can't get on Rockwells website right now, so I am making assumptions.The information is in the manual for the particular module.As far as Engineering units I would use 3000 or even 30000 for better resolution, unscaled max would be 4095 and 0 for min assuming the value will alwasy be positive.The analog output scaling would be the same.RE: Understanding 4-20mA inputs and raw values (Electrical) 3 Jan 06 21:43.