Fortinet's Fortiguard Secure Ntp Server.
Hello, I am also interesting for Upgrade details and Release notes are for me primary source of knowledge about upgrade. When you look on any firmware upgrade cookbook released by Fortinet there is: make a backup and read the release notes. That why last time I am really dissapointed about 'quality' of release notes. From the GUI go to System Settings System Time and select Synchronize with NTP Server. By default, this causes FortiOS to synchronize with Fortinet's FortiGuard secure NTP server. From the CLI you can use one or more different NTP servers: config system ntp. Set type custom. Set ntpsync enable. Config ntpserver.
Your datacentre, the data you hold and the application services you host are all directly in the cross-hairs of hackers, spies and opportunists of every stripe. Stolen data is a commodity worth money (or bitcoins!) on the open market.The minute you advertise your datacentre and ‘as a service’ offerings you are putting up a big fat target for cyber-criminals. You are saying to the dark side that ‘my datacentre is safe and secure and you can’t break in’.
But can you back up your claim? Can you secure your customer’s data from all threats, especially criminals who are prepared to make a major effort to break into your network?“Is any network 100% safe?” asks Andrew Khan, Fortinet senior business manager at Ingram Micro, New Zealand’s largest distributor of Fortinet’s cyber-security solutions. “Of course not. Even the White House, the Pentagon and the Kremlin get hacked.
And they have massive security budgets and thousands of full-time black and white hat experts. But you can make it extremely difficult for all but the most well-funded and relentless crooks to even come close to getting inside your datacentre.
By hardening your defences inside and out.”Advanced persistent threatsToday’s most damaging attacks, typically classified as Advanced Persistent Threats (APT), occur across the spectrum of possible attack vectors. Innovative malware, zero-day vulnerabilities and emerging evasion techniques can all render a single approach problematic.“A deeper, more comprehensive approach is needed,” says Khan, “to counter these increasingly sophisticated attacks. Fortinet, and other security vendors, are all working hard to build a multi-layered defence-in-depth framework for combating these APTs.”Prevent – The known threatsMost malware is already known.
Last year, nearly a quarter of malware was more than ten years old and almost 90% discovered before 2014. Known threats can be blocked through next-generation firewalls, secure email gateways, endpoint security and other technologies. Previously unknown malware and targeted attacks, however, can hide from these measures. Dodgy traffic that seems suspicious should be handed off to the next point of your multi-layered defence.Detect – The unknownToday’s more sensitive filters can detect previously unknown threats and create actionable threat intelligence.

Sandboxing, for instance, isolates potentially malicious software in a sheltered environment so its full behaviour can be observed without affecting production networks.“But sandboxing alone can’t stop everything,” continues Khan. “Attackers respond to new technologies by figuring out how they work and then finding ways around them. Indeed, smart crooks are already trying to compromise sandboxes.
That’s why it’s important to stay updated. Just as criminals evolve, your datacentre defences need to keep up as well.”Mitigate – Taking actionOnce an intrusion has been validated, users, devices and content have to be quarantined.
“You need to have automated and manual systems in place to ensure the safety of network resources and data,” says Khan. “That’s to contain the damage. But you need to fight back. FortiSandbox, for instance, automatically forwards any new threats to the FortiGuard Labs for analysis, de-construction and remediation. This results in updates being fed back to the security devices and providing every layer with up-to-date protection.”Integration is key“It’s not one particular technology that’s driving Advanced Threat Protection (ATP),” says Khan. “It’s the integration and collaboration amongst all of them.
Fortinet's Fortiguard Secure Ntp Server. Driver
ATP relies on multiple types of technologies, products and research, each with different roles and each working in concert with one another. For example, FortiSandbox can integrate into FortiGate Next Generation Firewalls, FortiMail for inspection of attachments and FortiWeb web application firewalls for web-facing services.”“We can expect to see continued cybercriminal innovation with an even greater focus on datacentres,” concludes Khan.
Fortinet Fortiguard Labs
“Your best strategy is to deploy a multi-layered approach with established and emerging technologies which work together. No other approach can defend against today’s Advanced Persistent Threats. It’s a challenge, to be sure, but one that has to be met.”For further information, please contact:Hugo Hutchinson, Business Development ManagerEmail: hugo.hutchinson@ingrammicro.comMobile: 021 245 8276Marc Brunzel, Business Development ManagerEmail: marc.brunzel@ingrammicro.comMobile: 021 241 6946Andrew Khan, Senior Business ManagerEmail: andrew.khan@ingrammicro.comMobile: 021 819 793.
Submit a URL to check its RatingFortiOS Version Latest Web Filter DatabasesPlease enter a URL or an IP address to see its category and history. If the URL is uncategorized,you may submit the URL along with a contact emailaddress to be notified of any revision updates.Reviews are generally processed and updated within 24 hours.Protect your organization by blocking access to malicious, hacked, or inappropriate websiteswith FortiGuard Web Filtering. Web filtering is the first line of defense against web-basedattacks. Malicious or hacked websites, a primary vector for initiating attacks, trigger downloadsof malware, spyware, or risky content.FortiGuard URL Database Categories are based upon the Web content viewing suitability ofthree major groups of customers: enterprises, schools, and home/families.
They also take intoaccount customer requirements for Internet management. The categories are defined to beeasily manageable and patterned to industry standards.