Stargate Puddle Jumper Model

Puddle Jumper Plane

'Puddle Jumper' is a colloquial term for a light passenger plane incapable of flying long distances without refueling. Stargate Atlantis: The DVD Collection 65 states that the Puddle Jumper is equipped with 'six drone weapons, which are located in the drive pods on the sides of the ship'. This has proven to be untrue in several episodes where. This is a toy adaptation of the ship known as the puddle jumper from the Stargate tv series. I wanted to design this toy with all the mechanical bits necessary to make the model function just like the ship form the show. This means retractable engine pods that fit inside the body.
Puddle Jumper Walmart
StarGate Atlantis Puddle JumperThis is a highly detailed model of the puddle jumper inside and out. I captured hundreds of images from StarGate Atlantis to model this ship. All the animations are included:- engines deploying and retracting- weapons pods deploying and retracting- drones firing left and right single shot- drones firing left and right three drone rapid fireThe materials are all Blender Cycles nodes using a rusty metal texture.I used the mirror modifier to save file size. If you are converting to a different format, you may have to apply the modifier first.